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1. Landfall
2. Dawn
3. Heart Of Darkness
4. Somewhere Over The Waves
5. All In The Golden Afternoon
6. Two Hundred Miles
7. Hidden Out Of Sight
8. Dusk
9. Departure

Total time: 37:03

Lost Horizon
Friends of Dean Martinez
Aero Recordings

Right off the bat, let it be known this group was called Friends of Dean Martin when it formed in 1994. It wasn’t until the Arizona-based Giant Sand offshoot started making money that Dino’s lawyers decided the moniker had to go.

FoDM have endured personnel and label changes over the years, in turn spawning a third Southwestern-themed band, Calexico. But lone original member Bill Elm and his ethereal steel guitar still guide this instrumental outfit, now an Austin, Texas-based trio.

The difference between “Lost Horizon” and its nine predecessors is that this is the first album recorded by a stable lineup, without any outside help or sidemen. And the cohesion and confidence attendant to newfound self-sufficiency bursts from the music like the glaring sun of a cloudless desert sky.

From the slow fade-in of “Landfall,” which gradually builds from serenity to intensity before suddenly falling back, to the melancholy “Departure” and its “Sleepwalk”-like dirge, each track delivers the goods.

Especially noteworthy are “Somewhere Over the Waves,” which entwines vibes-like steel, military drums, wah-wah’d spaghetti-Western guitar and UFO sounds; and the oxymoronic fuzztone vs. acoustic sound of “Two Hundred Miles,” set against a backdrop of Jerry Garcia-like steel and Indian-type percussion.

external links
artist’s link
iTunes music store

nov 2005 reviews